Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ok Folks, Back to Work!

UPDATE: We lost this one, due to a Republican filibuster. Remember the good old days when the Repubs screamed "obstructionist!" if the Democrats, in the minority back then, even thought about blocking legislation? It's time for Harry Reid to make them really filibuster, as in reading from the phone book for hours and days on end. And no cots either. Dammit, this should not have happened.
Another day, another battle to fight. Sigh. The Senate will soon be voting on restoring Habeas Corpus, probably tomorrow. This is one we can, and must, win. Fortunately we have some of the good guys working the right side of this. Click on the video below for Senator Dodd's short explanation of Habeas Corpus, and a refresher on why it is so important to what we stand for as American citizens. Below that is a link to all the tools you need to join the fight. We can keep track of the votes, find phone numbers for key senators, and sign on as citizen co-sponsors to the Dodd-Spector-Leahy bill. Please pass the information along and make those calls!


Lizzy said...

Stick up for MoveOn!

Go to this website and sign the petition!!

BillyB said...


Lizzy said...

I just emailed this to Carl Levin -Comments: On war, advertising and truth: I just sent $50.00 to MoveOn. It's not much, but it's money I might have contributed to you or the Democtatic Party. I despair of most Democratic politicians, and I have come to the point of almost despairing of my country, which I happen to love. I feel that ordinary citizens have more wisdom AND common sense than all of you people in DC put together and you have totally ignored us - we the people. Thanks a lot, MoveOn - thank you for your courage, intelligence and integrity. Wish I could be thanking my senator and my party instead...