Sunday, December 14, 2008

Peace on Earth ~ Sounds Good, Doesn't It?

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Another cold one, but thankfully the wind wasn't too bad and at least it was dry. The good news is that we didn't have any American fatalities in Iraq over the past week, so the number was the same as last week. A quick check at icasualties this morning shows the number is still holding - let's hope the trend continues until all our troops are safely home. Thanks to all who believe that what we are doing is still important, and for coming out. It was nice to see Congressman Conyers and meet his son John Jr., and we were also visited by our old friend Blue, therapy dog extraordinaire. Sorry I didn't make it across the street to see everyone ~ I'm still nursing the bum knee, but know that I love you all. Thanks as always to billyb and Nancy for the pics - it's not easy to shoot and change batteries when your hands are frozen!.

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